music overload
i saw two bands perform in my campus, to-friggin-day. i'm on overload. i got a Seth Bradley CD for free, courtesy of Freeze. She actually ran after the band (or him should I say) when I told her he was giving out free CDs if you just went up to say hello. What a freak o nature; she got TWO CDs. kiss ass. hahahahahahahhaa.
and then tonight, I saw Parker House & Theory who are from Boston. THEY ARE FRIGGIN AWESOME!!!! I've never heard o them before but I loved their music at once. It was awesome to dance to, it was syok to listen to, and they were amazing live.amazing. live.
you hardly ever get good live bands.
and they were right on campus. XD i'm ecstatic. i got their CDs and their signatures too. wakakakkakakaka. my first time being a groupie-ish freak. it was awesome.
i don't think i can sleep tonight. the endorphins are on a high.