i found it!
i am loving the academia life right.
i have essays due for three consecutive days. and math homework after that. and a music exam the next week. but yes, i love the writing and thinking. this is what real university life is about; intellectual events between your ears.
on top of that, my weekend activities are pretty exciting for the next few weeks, what with halloween coming up. yes, i'm dressing up for halloween. i've got my props. wakakakaka. you can't come here and not immerse yourself in the culture now, can you?
another reason why i'm very content is because of the weather. fall is here!!! the leaves are brown and gold and really falling. not as much yet but it has started. indeed. beautiful out here on campus.
well, it wouldn't do to tease you so now. that's why i brought my camera out with me today and used it, for once.
i like the chalk writings on the steps.
along the chemistry buildings.
red berry fruits.

waiting outside a lecture hall.
loads o fun.
i have essays due for three consecutive days. and math homework after that. and a music exam the next week. but yes, i love the writing and thinking. this is what real university life is about; intellectual events between your ears.
on top of that, my weekend activities are pretty exciting for the next few weeks, what with halloween coming up. yes, i'm dressing up for halloween. i've got my props. wakakakaka. you can't come here and not immerse yourself in the culture now, can you?
another reason why i'm very content is because of the weather. fall is here!!! the leaves are brown and gold and really falling. not as much yet but it has started. indeed. beautiful out here on campus.
well, it wouldn't do to tease you so now. that's why i brought my camera out with me today and used it, for once.
loads o fun.