story so far
remember when i said that i owe everyone lotsa pictures and stories? yeah, here it is. except that they wont be in chronological order cos its too much work for me that way. hahaha.
that's moses, AMS, kind of the nerds, or so he calls himself. he's my buddy, who is 6 ft + tall, DJs, raps, locks, hacks pcs, and all that. we have sunday night study sessions, with amy and the occasional extra guest, like scott or freeze etc. he cool, man, he cool. so yes, ma, this is one o the people i hang out with. =) this picture was taken at a record shop, when he suddenly noticed his name is on a poster. woohoo.
we have plenty squirrels and birds here. they're so wild/tame (depends on how you see it) that one nearly jumped into my lap and steal my sandwich away. its not safe to eat outside, unless you feel like sharing w nature. mauhauahua.
and we have chalksters. this one is about pulling troops out of Iraq. its ironic, they only care when their people are at stake. otherwise, they'd still be pro-war. funny how perspective can influence one's decision eh.

sorry i didn't rotate the pic. but yeah. i just think that sometimes ignorance is a curse. and hypocrites are damned annoying.

that's anna, my housemate. she's a librarian, nutty, nerd, funny, a polyglot and fun to hang out with. we usually watch tv together. she likes to watch operas and classical concerts too. she taught me a lil german, and laughs at my attempts to speak german. thankyoovery much, anna.

that's james and freeze, even tho you cant really see her. the pose is because o a supposedly horror korean movie. its hilarious, the characters they put in the movie. so yeah, we copied it. by the way, these pictures were taken during my birthday gathering.
that's roberta helping me cut the cake. she's funny, has gerbils, is very sweet and fun to hang out with too. i believe that laughter is never absent from our conversations.
the nutty nutty crew at nevada house. thanks to everyone who celebrated with me!
o yeah. pizza, cookies, soda, choc cake, chocolate everything. sugar rush. i felt fat. really fat. thanks freeze!!!!!

o we had this activity at Krannert museum, and they had PostSecret exhibit!!!! o course, i put my secret on. =) o course i wont tell anyone what it is. but it really touched me when i saw all the posts. its out there, and its real.
one lazy sunday, i procrastinated and didnt get out o bed. i took pictures in my teeny dark room instead.
on the days that i actually make it to my 8am class early, im the first one to arrive. its dark and peaceful. i took this picture thinking i could use it for a deviantart entry. not really. im kinda losing touch. but yeah, thats the room that we use for rhet.

autumn! the trees are getting nekkid, and there are leaves everywhere. plus its windy and windier and very pretty. chilly and cold, but pretty. the weather's kinda unpredictable in the sense that its hot one day and cold another. so yeah. i like the windy days though. they just make me happy.
right now, its thanksgiving break and we have one week's holiday. almost everyone went home or travelled somewhere. im staying here to just chill and get some work done. finals are coming up and i wana feel prepared at least. pffft. its kinda lonely but its alright. nothing ive never been through. whats fun is not having to queue to buy mocha and doughtnuts. wakakakakakaka. and im sorry i havent been able to update more. the internet at home is still sucky, so that also explains why i havent been on msn, or IM, or blogging much. so excuse my tardiness.
enlighten me with news, chums. hows everyone out there? and thanks for the comment, viv. haha. good to know yer well. heard that you travelled to chicago jsut recently (mothers, tsk. hahaha). having fun eh? cool cool. and its nice to chat w kambo again. nice to see that guffaw. i can imagine the hearty chuckle behind the imac screen. and breakdancing is not funny!!! geez man. i really dont see whats so funny. pffftt. im getting good, so they say. well im gna try to be good, cos its not easy and its not often that girls breakdance. hmmm, also trying to start workin out or run. havent done that in months now. gained a lil weight, but healthy weight. at least it doesnt physically show if ya know whati mean. wakakakakaka.
o and i promise to take more pictures. i realize i dont have much to show. eh. more pictures o people. =) ta ta for now!
sorry i didn't rotate the pic. but yeah. i just think that sometimes ignorance is a curse. and hypocrites are damned annoying.
that's anna, my housemate. she's a librarian, nutty, nerd, funny, a polyglot and fun to hang out with. we usually watch tv together. she likes to watch operas and classical concerts too. she taught me a lil german, and laughs at my attempts to speak german. thankyoovery much, anna.
that's james and freeze, even tho you cant really see her. the pose is because o a supposedly horror korean movie. its hilarious, the characters they put in the movie. so yeah, we copied it. by the way, these pictures were taken during my birthday gathering.
o we had this activity at Krannert museum, and they had PostSecret exhibit!!!! o course, i put my secret on. =) o course i wont tell anyone what it is. but it really touched me when i saw all the posts. its out there, and its real.
autumn! the trees are getting nekkid, and there are leaves everywhere. plus its windy and windier and very pretty. chilly and cold, but pretty. the weather's kinda unpredictable in the sense that its hot one day and cold another. so yeah. i like the windy days though. they just make me happy.
right now, its thanksgiving break and we have one week's holiday. almost everyone went home or travelled somewhere. im staying here to just chill and get some work done. finals are coming up and i wana feel prepared at least. pffft. its kinda lonely but its alright. nothing ive never been through. whats fun is not having to queue to buy mocha and doughtnuts. wakakakakakaka. and im sorry i havent been able to update more. the internet at home is still sucky, so that also explains why i havent been on msn, or IM, or blogging much. so excuse my tardiness.
enlighten me with news, chums. hows everyone out there? and thanks for the comment, viv. haha. good to know yer well. heard that you travelled to chicago jsut recently (mothers, tsk. hahaha). having fun eh? cool cool. and its nice to chat w kambo again. nice to see that guffaw. i can imagine the hearty chuckle behind the imac screen. and breakdancing is not funny!!! geez man. i really dont see whats so funny. pffftt. im getting good, so they say. well im gna try to be good, cos its not easy and its not often that girls breakdance. hmmm, also trying to start workin out or run. havent done that in months now. gained a lil weight, but healthy weight. at least it doesnt physically show if ya know whati mean. wakakakakaka.
o and i promise to take more pictures. i realize i dont have much to show. eh. more pictures o people. =) ta ta for now!
November 23, 2007 at 6:02 AM
eyh~kiut jua tu tupaizzz ah~bawa seekor eyh balik k brunei suruh blakun ice age 3 d bonai ahhah
"Aiwah~law tafham quais~" ahah k vye top