first of all, thanks nana. lending your shoulder to me.i know i soaked it. thanks. it means a lot to me.
secondly, to the juniors and OSM, i agree with nana. any questions, we will try to answer them as best as we can. we're here to support u, cause you will be our juniors. we can help you with questions about schools in the US. i know how crazy US colleges seem, i remember applying and looking at that course list and going oh 's***'. try to contact us. we dont bite. :)
now an update on my week. i was so busy,was practically like a chicken running around without a head. i tried pledging for a sorority, for two weeks, i stuck with it. being busy, dedicating way too much time to it than i should have. but i had to make a decision.was beginning to neglect my studies. i had to make a decision. on one hand, i didnt want to be a failure, cause i didnt go through with the pledging, but then again, studies VS sorority, studies win hands down. i didnt bust my ass off for the last two years just to join a sorority. i really want to join though. but i had to decide. again, nana thanks. you were there when i needed a friend the most.hugs
we're trying to get an apartment for next year. leasing starts this october. yay!
studies wise, im doing ok. got the essays and quizzes back. exams this week. eek.
starting to think about home again. must be the fasting thing. here, we sahur and sungkai alone. only two of us. but then our bond is getting stronger. i miss my mom, my dad, and my sister. i regret taking for granted the times we spent together as a family. i miss my cats. i do enjoy my time here. im beginning to consider it home. used to it already. but cant wait to go home next year though.
and to that one person who i hope reads this, im still waiting for you. still. i tried not to, but i cant. i know you're over it already and that hurts. i do hope you're happy now, with your loved one. she's lucky to have you. i'm still praying that things will work out between us.
to everyone, im sorry if this post is sappy. i need to get things off my chest or else i'll explode.
nana will kill me when she reads this post. its the most emo yet!! lol